Sunday 10 April 2011

my star.

::Noor Affiqah::
she's my star
sometimes blurr
naif sangat makcik nih
nak kata lemah lembut..??=P
tak kot. garang nih.
nak manja2 ngan dia pon
kene pikir berkali2
but.. believe me..
it is too hard to find a friend 
real friend i mean
they dont have to be with us in all time
they can accept you in 'left' or 'right' side
they can hate u in love
you know what. God send me these present. and she was one of them
lotsa LOve 

1 comment:

  1. hehehe...segan la ak ngek...xyah ar promote fb ak bagai...hadeyh mkck sorg nie..nk kne lesing nie...HAHAHA
